Conditions we treat
Urinary Incontinence (leakage)
Urinary Frequency/Urgency
Difficulty initiating Stream of Urine
Interstitial Cystitis Prolapse
Pain or difficulty with urination
Exercise during pregnancy
Childbirth preparation
Diastasis RectiPostpartum Recovery/Return to activity & exercise
Recovery after episiotomy or tearing, c-section scars/recovery
Pelvic Pain
Musculoskeletal pain: Hip, tailbone, low back, pelvic girdle, pubic symphysis, sciatica, sacroiliac (SI)
Pain with sexual activity
Anorectal pain
Fecal Incontinence (leakage)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Pain or difficulty with defecation
pain or discomfort with intimacy
pain or discomfort with orgasm
muscle spasms with sexual activities
abdominal pain and scar adhesions after hysterectomy, c-section, gall bladder removal, etc.